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Soup and sandwich night

Deloris Taylor

I am always looking for ways to save money and ways to fix healthy, tasty, and easy meals at home for my family. I like recipes that are quick and use common ingredients; since I am a working mother and wife.

Long before food network was around; I would find recipes on backs of packages; sit and look through cookbooks; magazines; etc. When I found recipes I thought looked good, I would try them out on family and friends. Recipes that were a hit I would save and the flops I would throw out.

Recently I was at the library looking at books on personal budgeting and came across the book; Mi$erly Moms, Living on ONE Income in a Two Income Economy by Jonni McCoy. Not all, but much of her money saving tips were on how to save money by cooking at home from scratch. She included recipes and tips. The recipes were wholesome and easy. I tried her recipe for Vegetable Chowder Soup, that evening. It was a hit with my family. Served with a sandwich on whole grain bread made it a complete meal.

Here is the recipe if you would like to try it. It will beat out any canned soup. Enjoy!

Vegetable Chowder Soup

3 TBSP Butter

1/2 cup chopped celery

1/2 cup chopped onion

1 glove garlic crushed (I used 3 cloves)

1/2 cup flour

3 bouillon cubes or 1 TBSP granules

3 cups water

2 cups milk

1 1/2 cups potatoes, cubed (I used 4 potatoes)

1/3 cup lemon juice (optional)

10 ounces frozen corn


Saute celery, onion, and garlic until golden. Add flour to form a paste. Add milk and water and bring to a simmer. Add potato, corn, and bouillon. Simmer 12 minutes or until potatoes are tender. Add lemon juice if desired.

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