Join the Health challenge! You may already be doing great things, but you can always "add" in one or two more healthy habits. - Share with your friends and invite them to participate!
Challenge starts on Monday April 30 at 7:30 Am. Sign up so you don't miss the challenge or FaceBook Live sessions!
This is really easy! One change per week. You choose the focus from the topic of the week.
It won't take much time! I will send you an email with the topic, information, and you check off what your change is for the week.
I am also including a video - usually less than 5 minutes - on the topic.

I will be doing a Facebook Live at 7:30 pm Eastern time Thursday nights - for about 10 minutes or less if you don't have questions. If it is just me, I will talk for about 2 or 3 minutes and close it down.

But it could be your chance to talk with a dietitian. (doesn't have to be about the topic of the week, but what is on your mind...
Jump in and join!
Bring your friends with you. Share this post so they will be part of the challenge!
Looking forward to the challenge with you,